In 1930 Mary Bagot Stack founded The Women’s League of Health and Beauty. She had suffered serious illness as a child and recovered through a physical exercise regime which restored her health. This gave her a passionate belief in the value of physical fitness for all. To make sure her ideas on fitness and health would last beyond her own life, she created a method which was part exercise, part dance which would energise and strengthen the whole body and mind. In 1925 she opened her Bagot Stack Health School, in London. She was a widow – her husband, an Army officer, had been killed in the First World War – leaving her to bring up her daughter, Prunella, on her own.

Mary had suffered serious illness as a child and recovered through a physical exercise regime which restored her health. This gave her a passionate belief in the value of physical fitness for all.
She created a method which was part exercise, part dance which she believed would energise and strengthen the whole body and mind. In 1925 she opened her Bagot Stack Health School, in London.
Fitness League was founded by Mary Bagot Stack in 1930 as The Women’s League of Health and Beauty. She had suffered serious illness as a child and recovered through a physical exercise regime which restored her health. This gave her a passionate belief in the value of physical fitness for all.
She created a method which was part exercise, part dance which would energise and strengthen the whole body and mind. In 1925 she opened her Bagot Stack Health School, in London. She was a widow – her husband, an Army officer, had been killed in the First World War – leaving her to bring up her daughter, Prunella, on her own.

Mary was an inspirational woman of her time. She dreamed of creating an organisation for women, which would have the aim of health for everyone, so that every life could be lived to the full. By 1930, Mary had trained enough enthusiastic young teachers in order to launch The Women’s League of Health and Beauty.
She had prepared her daughter, Prunella to carry on her legacy, and this movement continued to expand spectacularly and by 1939 166,000 women had joined.
Over the intervening years, many fitness fads have come and gone. But none of them have the same longevity. The organisation has evolved over the years. Some things however remain the same. The Bagot Stack Principles, are based on the structure of the human body which never change.
Longevity continues this tradition of fitness training today using ideas and methods perfected over the years.

Of course, nowadays many other forms of exercise are available and women have so many more lifestyle choices. What’s different about Fitness League is that classes are about learning to use our bodies better and become the best version of ourselves that we can be, rather than aiming for a quick fix or an unrealistic ideal.
They are classes for real women in today’s world, just as they
always have been. She created a method which was part exercise, part dance which would energise and strengthen the whole body and mind. In 1925 she opened her Bagot Stack Health School, in London. She was a widow – her husband, an Army officer, had been killed in the First World War – leaving her to bring up her daughter, Prunella, on her own.

Of course, nowadays many other forms of exercise are available and women have so many more lifestyle choices. What’s different about Longevity is that classes are about learning to use our bodies better and become the best version of ourselves that we can be, rather than aiming for a quick fix or an unrealistic ideal.
Longevity provides classes for real women and gents in today’s world, just as they always have been. We continue the method which is part exercise, part dance that energises and strengthens the whole body and mind.
I would love to hear from you and I am always looking for people to join my lovely ladies and gents. If you have any questions about my classes please fill in the form below and I will get back to you shortly.
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